1. My Business Profile
    1. My Profile
    2. Management Team
    3. Mission Statement
    4. Vision Statement
    5. Ideal Customer Profile
    6. Financial Budget - Business - Goals - 1000 - 1000
    7. Financial Metrics - Business - Goals - 1000 - 1010
    8. Elevator Pitch - Business - Profile - 1050 - 1020
    9. Profile my buyer, user - Business - Profile - 1050 - 1050
    10. Email of Record - Business - Profile - 1050 - 1050
    11. Company Tagline - Business - Our Profile - 1050 - 1056
    12. QR Code - Business - Our Profile - 1050 - 1058
    13. Competitive Analysis Worksheet - Business - Competitive Analysis - 1060 - 1062
    14. Use Keyword Analytics to Determine Site Name - Business - Research - 1075 - 1075
  2. Branding
    1. ...
  3. Digital Assets
    1. Images, Icons, Advertisements, Banners, Logo
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
    3. Link to URL, my site os Social Media Tools, Keywords section - Assets - Keywords - 2000 - 2000
    4. List of Keyword Research Tools - Assets - Keywords - 2000 - 2000
    5. https://www.wordtracker.com - Assets - Keywords - 2000 - 2000
    6. https://neilpatel.com/ub - Assets - Keywords - 2000 - 2000
    7. My Keywords Database - Assets - Keywords - 2000 - 2000
    8. Develop list of keywords - Assets - Keywords - 2000 - 2000
    9. Images Requirements for Social Media - Assets - Images - 2050 - 2050
    10. Logo Created - Assets - Images - 2050 - 2052
    11. BannerSnack.com - - Images - 2050 -
    12. Images Created for Advertising and Affiliates - Assets - Images - 2050 - 2052
    13. Images Inventory Spreadsheet - Assets - Images - 2050 - 2052
  4. Social Media
    1. ...
    2. https://followus.com/ - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3002
    3. http://twubs.com/ - Social Media - Hashtag - 3010 - 3012
    4. My Favorite Hashtags - Social Media - Hashtag - 3010 - 3014
    5. Checklists are great blogging topics - Social Media - Blogging - 3050 - 3050
    1. Twitter
      1. Upload Twitter Profile Photo - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      2. Upload Twitter Header Photo - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      3. http://www.twitrcovers.com/ - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      4. Get Twitter followers - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      5. Twitter Schedule for 99 Tools for Angular Developers - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      6. Email all friends and get them to follow you on Twitter - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      7. Create Schedule for Tweets - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      8. HootSuite - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      9. Daily process of finding content to tweet about - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      10. Investigate Twitter Promotion - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
      11. Create a Twitter Handle - Social Media - Twitter - 3000 - 3000
    2. YouTube
      1. YouTube - Social Media - YouTube - 5700 - 5700
      2. YouTube - Create an account for 2DoReview - Social Media - YouTube - 5700 - 5703
      3. YouTube - Upload Content and Images for Profile - Social Media - YouTube - 5700 - 5705
      4. YouTube - Upload Video of Slide Show, All and Individual. - Social Media - YouTube - 5700 - 5708
    3. Instagram
    4. LinkedIn
      1. LinkedIn - Social Media - LinkedIn - 5600 - 5600
      2. Linked In Account/Login ID - Social Media - LinkedIn - 5600 - 5600
  5. SEO and Website
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
    3. SiteMap -
    4. SiteMap - Confirm file exist on website by using your browser. - Assets - Sitemap - 2150 - 2150
    5. Index.html - tag - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2205
    6. Index.html - meta description tag - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2207
    7. Index.html - - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2208
    8. SiteMap - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2210
    9. Robots.txt Definition Wikipedia - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2212
    10. Google Search Console - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2299
    11. Organic Search - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 2299
  6. Email Marketing
    1. ...
  7. Affiliate Marketing Management
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  8. Reputation Management
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  9. Public Relations
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  10. Reference and Tools
    1. Marketing Vendors
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  11. Analytics
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  12. Campaigns
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  13. Project Plans
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  14. Marketing Budget
    1. Marketing Goals
    2. Marketing Goals
  15. Application Administration
    1. LinkNameGoesHere
    2. LinkNameGoesHere
  16. Reclass These Items
    1. Campaign Tracking Log - Business - Campaign - 2200 - 2200
    2. Ideas For Angular built Websites for Promotion of my Subscription Sites - SEO - Link Building - 2300 - 2300
    3. Create Project Plan for Link Building - SEO - Link Building - 2300 - 2300
    4. Create list of friends and family I can ask to link to me. - SEO - Link Building - 2300 - 2300
    5. Write letter/email to each of the contacts listed above requesting a link. - SEO - Link Building - 2300 - 2300
    6. Add links from all my sites to all my other sites - SEO - Link Building - 2300 - 2300
    7. Link Domain Name to Hosted Project - Assets - Development - 4000 - 4000
    8. Create an Angular project - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    9. ng new project-name-here - Reference - Development - 4000 - 4000
    10. Build the Website using Angular - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    11. Create json file - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    12. Create Firebase Project - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    13. Firebase - Upload to Firebase Hosting - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    14. Purchase a Domain Name - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    15. Favicon - Reference - Development - 4000 - 4000
    16. GitHub - Sync this project. - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    17. Firebase Hosted URL - Task List - Development - 4000 - 4000
    18. Google Doc Holding Content for Creating json file for List, Table - - Development - 4000 - 4020
    19. Pinterest - Social Media - Pinterest - 5200 - 5200
    20. Pinterest Account/Login ID - Social Media - Pinterest - 5200 - 5200
    21. Create Pinterest Account - Social Media - Pinterest - 5200 - 5202
    22. Pinterest - Checklist as Free Trial for 2DoReview - Social Media - Pinterest - 5200 - 5204
    23. Facebook - Social Media - Facebook - 5400 - 5400
    24. Instagram - Social Media - Instagram - 5500 - 5500
    25. MailChimp - - Email Marketing - 6000 - 6000
    26. Develop and Adwords Campaign - - Google - AdWords - 6500 - 6500
    27. Affiliate Marketing - - Affiliate - 7000 - 7000
    28. Implement Share Buttons - - Share Buttons - 7100 - 7100
    29. https://www.sharethis.com - - Share Buttons - 7100 - 7103
    30. Customer Retention - Customers - Customer Retention - 7500 - 7500
    31. Workflow, First 30 Days as a new customer. - Customers - Customer Retention - 7500 - 7500
    32. Ask for Testimonials - Customers - Customer Retention - 7500 - 7500
    33. Email Schedule for Customers - Customers - Customer Retention - 7500 - 7502
    34. Master List of 2DoReview Templates - Customers - Customer Retention - 7500 - 7510
    35. Implement Google Analytics - Reporting - Analytics - 8100 - 8100
    36. Monitor / Track Analytics Via Google Console/Analytics - Reporting - Track Monitor Results - 8100 - 8100
    37. https://analytics.google.com - Reporting - Track Monitor Results - 8100 - 8100
    38. Social Media Follower Tracking Log - Social Media - Track Monitor Results - 8100 - 8105
    39. Survey Monkey - Customers - Survey - 8800 - 8800
    40. Structured Data Markup - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    41. https://www.sitemaps.org/index.html - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    42. http://tools.seobook.com/robots-txt/generator/ - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    43. https://moz.com/blog/xml-sitemaps - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    44. https://xmlsitemapgenerator.org/help/xml-sitemap-example.aspx - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    45. Fetch As Google - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    46. https://sitechecker.pro/ - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    47. https://search.google.com - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    48. Robots.txt File - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    49. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062608?visit_id=1-636692521742542539-875267762&rd=1 - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    50. https://moz.com/learn/seo/robotstxt - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    51. This is a 30 Day Free Trial - https://moz.com/free-seo-tools - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    52. https://moz.com/learn/seo/page-speed - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    53. https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/ - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    54. Google Search Console Help - https://support.google.com/webmasters#topic=3309469 - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    55. You can start building a keyword list by guessing the terms you think are important: - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    56. https://yoast.com/ - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    57. Write a book for sale and give away. - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    58. RedBubble.com - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    59. Campaigns needs to be a part of DigitalMarketingApp - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    60. This app, Digital, Social Media Marketing in 2018, Needs a Dashboard - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    61. Building a Brand - Add this to Digital Marketing Application - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    62. SocialBlade.com - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    63. ViewerShip.com - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    64. Work with influencers. - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    65. BuzzSumo.com - Social Shares - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    66. Ahref.com - - Reference - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    67. SEMRush.com - Reference - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    68. Google - Reference - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    69. Facebook Advertising - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    70. Affiliate Marketing - Best Buy, Amazon - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    71. Influencers I want to invite to use our products - - Reclass - 8888 - 8888
    72. https://www.xml-sitemaps.com - - Sitemap - 2150 - 8888
    73. Create 100 Template in 2DoReview and Tweet about each - - Actionable Items - 9999 - 9999
    74. Activities - - Activities - 9999 - 9999
    75. Show a template and say this is one of the free templates that comes with 2DoReview. Pinterest, Twitter, etc. - - Activities - 9999 - 9999
    76. Search Engine Optimization Checklist - - Activities - 9999 - 9999
    77. Marketing Channels Specific to My Product - - Channel - 3500 - 9999
    78. GetApp.com - - Channel - 3500 - 9999
    79. Join our Mailing List - - Email Marketing - 6000 - 9999
    80. Hashtag Management - - Hashtag - 3010 - 9999
    81. Brainstorming session for link building. - SEO - Link Building - 2100 - 9999
    82. Link to Notes 1 - Reference - Notes - 8888 - 9999
    83. Link to Notes 2 - Reference - Notes - 8888 - 9999
    84. Evernote Tag - Reference - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    85. Patreon - Assets - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    86. PPC - Pay Per Click - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    87. PPC - Pay Per Click Audit - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    88. Goals - Business - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    89. https://sitechecker.pro/ - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    90. https://99angulardevtools.com/sitemap.xml - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    91. Fetch As Google - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    92. https://xmlsitemapgenerator.org/help/xml-sitemap-example.aspx - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    93. https://www.xml-sitemaps.com - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    94. https://www.sitemaps.org/index.html - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    95. http://tools.seobook.com/robots-txt/generator/ - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    96. https://moz.com/blog/xml-sitemaps - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    97. https://search.google.com - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    98. Google Search Console Help - https://support.google.com/webmasters#topic=3309469 - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    99. https://moz.com/free-seo-tools - - Reclass - 8888 - 9999
    100. Review your title tag on every page. - Task List - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    101. Google Search Console - - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    102. Google Trends - - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    103. Google PageSpeed - - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    104. Quick Sprout Analyzer - - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    105. Screaming Frog - Assets - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    106. Search for Google Analytics Demo account - Task List - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    107. Tag Management - SEO - SEO - On Page - 2200 - 9999
    108. Get Google Account/Email address for this project. - - Setup - 9999 - 9999
    109. Build a SiteMap - SEO - Sitemap - 2150 - 9999
    110. http://www.websiteresponsivetest.com - Reference - Testing - 8000 - 9999
    111. http://responsivedesignchecker.com/ - Reference - Testing - 8000 - 9999