New Project Checklist

HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Firebase

  1. Project Management
  2. Register New App on Web Applicaations Big Picture Development Checklist
  3. Prepare Data Model
  4. Prepare Project Plan, Category in 2DoReview or Google Word Document
  5. Create Project
  6. Create a folder on my PC for my new project.
  7. Launch Firebase Console
  8. Click on Go To Console
  9. Click Add Project, Enter Name and Click Continue
  10. Create a Project, Step 2 of 2, Select Not Right Now. You can change this later. Select Create Project
  11. You should get the message "Your new project is ready". Select Continue
  12. Right click on the Windows folder you created in step 1 and select open with Visual Studio Code.
  13. Open VSC Terminal
  14. Run Firebase Login
  15. Run Firebase Init
  16. Are you ready to proceed? Select Yes
  17. Select which Firebase features you want to install via the CLI. Press Enter
  18. Select use an existing project.
  19. Arrow down and select your project you created in steps above.
  20. Use the default database.rules.json by pressing enter.
  21. Use public as your directory name.
  22. Select N to confirm this is not a single page application.
  23. You should get the message "Firebase initialization complete!."
  24. Confirm you now have a public folder in your application directory. This folder should have 2 files, 404.html and index.html
  25. Confirm you now have the following files in the root directory of your project. .firebaserc, .gitignore, database.rules.json, firebase.json.
  26. Add a web app, in Firebase Console
  27. Add Bootstrap Links to the Index.html file.
  28. Bootswatch Yeti
  29. Font Awesome
  30. Firebase Deploy
  31. Add Hosted Link to Web Applications Big Picture Development Checklist