
Overview Of Our Training Process

  1. Goals of our training:
    1. Help you develop skills that will help you start a web development business or get a job/promotion as a web developer.
  2. What you should know:
    1. Our training is directed at building business applications. This is the space where we think the most job/business opportunities are located.
    2. Our beginner series courses are built using local storage. This means the applications you build in the beginner series will not have the full functionality of a robust backend database. This will happen in the intermediate series of courses.
    3. Our intermediate courses are based on integrating your beginner courses with Google Firebase. Here we start adding hosting, cloud database, user authentication, cloud storage, cloud functions.
    4. In our beginner lessons we take multiple steps where an advanced programmer would take one line of code. I think this is important when you are learning code, trying to understand the code you have written and most of all debugging for a beginner.
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