Expand for Development Notes:
- generalTasks/generalTasks.html
- getAndDisplaySteps.js
- Loads via a script src at the bottom of my generalTasks.html
- Calls the function showOutput(res)
- Edit Link:
- Calls the editTask(id) function.
- The edit task function saves the id to local storage.
- The edit task function takes the user to the editTask.html page.
- The editTask.html page has an onLoad in the body tag to open a specific step/task and load the fields for editing.
- body onload="onLoadGetTaskData()"
- Seems to be pushing the correct date into the DB but when I display the table afterwards, it shows the date as one day earlier. Could this be due to 0 based indexing.
- Uncomment: // window.location.href = "generalTasksSortedByDueDate.html"; in the .then code block.
- Calls editTask.html
- Cannot get the window.location.href = "http://www.w3schools.com";
- goToEditTask();
- Save Changes Button:
- saveTaskChangesToDB()
- Cancel Changes Button:
- cancelChanges.js
- Outstanding Fixes Needed:
- Copy in styles.css and fix the link in the header.
- In the DB when viewed by Compass or Mongo Shell the dateDue is 09-19-2020, but on the editTask.html page the dateDue is showing up as 08/02/2013.
- Review the file/page editTask.html
- editTask.html calls: body onload="onLoadGetTaskData()" body
- Review onLoadGetTaskData()
- When I click edit on the generalTasksSortedByDueDate.html screen. The due date is not populated on the editTask.html screen.
- Implement main.js as much as possible.
Step |
Order |
Phase |
Assigned |
Complete |
Due |
Note |
Edit |
Mark Complete |