Project Management System

My Todo List of General/Generic Tasks

Expand for Development Notes:
  1. generalTasks/generalTasks.html
    1. getAndDisplaySteps.js
      1. Loads via a script src at the bottom of my generalTasks.html
      2. Calls the function showOutput(res)
    2. Edit Link:
      1. Calls the editTask(id) function.
        1. The edit task function saves the id to local storage.
        2. The edit task function takes the user to the editTask.html page.
          1. The editTask.html page has an onLoad in the body tag to open a specific step/task and load the fields for editing.
          2. body onload="onLoadGetTaskData()"
      2. Calls editTask.html
        1. Cannot get the window.location.href = "";
        2. goToEditTask();
        3. Save Changes Button:
          1. saveTaskChangesToDB()
        4. Cancel Changes Button:
          1. cancelChanges.js
    3. Mark Complete
    4. Delete Task
  2. main.js, not used at this point.
  3. Create a Show/Hide for the development notes.

Step Order Phase Assigned Complete Due Note Edit Mark Complete