Project Management System

Move Step

Expand for Development Notes:
  1. moveStepFromOneProjectToAnother.html:
    1. Loads: getProjects.js
    2. Loads: getProjectName.js
    3. Loads: populateProjectName.js
    4. Loads: populateProjectId.js
    5. Loads: buildSelectControl.js
    6. moveStepFromOneProjectToAnother.html Calls: buildSelectControl()
      1. ..
        1. buildSelectControl() on change event calls populateProjectId()
          1. populateProjectId calls populateProjectName()
            1. populateProjectName() calls getSteps()
              1. getSteps() gets all steps for all projects, then calls showStepsForThisProject(res)
              2. showStepsForThisProject(res) filters out only the steps for this Project and isComplete = false.
              3. The edit link on the table built by the function above, calls the moveStep(_id) function.
              4. moveStep(_id)
                1. The moveStep function does the following:
                2. Captures the Project ID and Saves to localStorage
                3. Captures the Step ID and Saves to localStorage
  1. Take User to new page, moveStepFromOneProjectToAnother2.html that auto loads the:
    1. Function onLoadGetMoveData() via an onLoad event in the body tag. The onLoadGetMoveData() function does the following:
    2. Project Id from localStorage
    3. ...
    4. ...
    5. ...
    6. ...

Move From

Select Project:

Select Move Step from One of The Tasks Below

Step Order Phase Assigned Complete Due Note Move