Project Management System

One Project with Steps

Expand for Development Notes:
  1. oneProjectWithSteps/oneProjectWithSteps.html calls main.js which calls function buildSelectControl().
    1. The element selectList has an addEventListener("change", populateProjectId) that calls populateProjectId on change.
    2. populateProjectId calls function populateProjectName()
    3. populateProjectName() calls getSteps();
    4. getSteps() calls showStepsForThisProject(res) and passes in the response from getSteps();
    5. showStepsForThisProject(res) Adds:
      1. edit = onclick="editStep(\''+ sorted[i]._id +'\')">Edit
        1. The edit link calls a function called editStep(id) that is on the oneProjectWithSteps.html page. This function does the following:
          1. Saves the step/task id to local storage.
          2. Opens the file/page editStep.html
      2. markComplete = 'onclick="markStepComplete(\''+ sorted[i]._id +'\')">Mark Complete

Select Project:

Step Order Phase Assigned Complete Due Note Edit Mark Complete