Programming Reference - HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Sections and Chapters

  1. How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer - A guide to save you months off of the time required to learn everything needed to become a Full Stack web developer. This is now in it's own project.
  2. Project Management
  3. Google Chrome Browser
  4. Bootswatch
  5. Google Chrome Browser - Favorite Console Commands, Example Code
  6. Google Sheets Programming
  7. Visual Studio Code
  8. CSS Reference
  9. HTML Reference
  10. Firebase Reference
  11. Git
  12. JavaScript Reference
  13. JavaScript Projects
  14. JSON reference
  15. Firebase Projects
  16. Lessons for My Programming Education - Udemy & YouTube
  17. MongoDB Reference
  18. Debugging
  19. MVC - Model, View, Controller
  20. My Favorite APIs
  21. Node.js
  22. Postman
  23. Authentication and Authorization Notes
  24. Appendix
  25. Chocolatey Software - The Sane Way to Manage Software on Windows
  26. Node.js and NPM
  27. Daily Work Logs

    Project Management

  1. Google Spreadsheet - Projects with Functionality Used, Code Examples, Such as Programatically Build Ordered List from JSON.
  2. Project Requirements Template Google Shreadsheet
  3. Start a New HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Firebase Project Checklist
  4. Login to Google Analytics with the correct email address.
  5. Google Analytics Admin
  6. Firebase Projects Google Spreadsheet
  7. - Directory of Apps that run in the browser.
  8. Great Template Page with Bootswatch Yeti, and Form Element Interation

My Favorite Programming Checklists

  1. Implementing MongoDB, NodeJS, Express, Mongoose Backend.
  2. Using Windows Power Shell to Connect to MongoDB Atlas.
    1. Open Windows Power Shell
    2. Open Mongo DB and Select Your Project, Select Your Cluster.
    3. Click the Connect Button in Mongo DB Atlas.
    4. Select Connect with ....
    5. Whitelist your connection IP address
    6. An IP address has been whitelisted. Add another whitelist entry in the IP Whitelist tab.
    7. Create a MongoDB User and Password
    8. Choose a connection method
    9. Select the option Connect with the Mongo Shell
    10. Select I have the Mongo Shell installed
    11. Use the following Power Shell commands to navigate to the mongo directory.
    12. Add your Mongo Shell's download directory /bin to your $PATH variable
    13. Select Copy to get the connect string you will paste into the Power Shell Window with a right click.
    14. Click Close
    15. cd.. to get back to the root directory of the c drive.
    16. chdir mongo to navigate into the mongo directory at the root of my c drive.
    17. chdir bin to navigate into the mongo bin directory.
    18. In another window copy the link from Mongo Atlas for pasting in Power Shell.
    19. mongo "mongodb+srv://" --username dbUser --password ???????
  3. Next Checklist Goes Here.

Google Chrome Browser Reference

  1. Google Chrome Browser Developer Tools

Visual Studio Code Reference

  1. Download Visual Studio Code
  2. Visual Studio Reference
  3. Favorite Visual Studio Shortcuts


  1. Linking to a specific part of an html page. Basically the href is set equal to the id of a section lower on the page.
  2. The href is set to #c4 and the end location id is c4. Basically the href is set equal to the id of a section lower on the page.

  3. HTML5 Form Validation

Firebase Reference

  1. Firebase Console
    1. Add Firebase to your JavaScript project Documentation
  2. Firebase Hosting
  3. Firebase Realtime Database
  4. Firebase Authentication
  5. 100 Firebase Tips, Tricks, and Screw-ups - See this video in YouTube.

Firebase Projects

  1. Firebase Storage
    1. Firebase Storage Project
  2. Firebase Realtime Database
  3. Firebase Authentication
  4. Firebase Cloud Functions


  1. Boost your JavaScript Debugging Skills With These Console Tricks